The Director of Biologics, Nonclinical Safety Project Leader was recently introduced to Augmentiqs telepathology for GLP studies, internal collaboration between the company’s pathologists at multi-national sites, and real-time consultations with the Company’s expert consultant pathologist.
The toxicologic pathologist provided the following feedback as a testimonial on Augmentiqs.
“I was fortunate to recently have the honorable Dr. Abraham Nyska provide a quick demonstration. I co-lead ….. Department Meeting Scientific Lecture Series. At the advice of my colleague Dr. …. our goal is for Dr. Nyska to do a pathology case review ….. to our team, using this very impressive tool.
After sharing with Dr. Nyska my positive impressions of this tool, it thought it best I also directly share that initial feedback with all of you:
Augmentiqs real time speed & agility during the telepathology slide review was EXCELLENT.
Augmentiqs clarity & microcellular identifications EXCELLENT.
Augmentiqs ability to add extracted snapshots of pathology evaluated tissue sections to reports EXCELLENT.
Augmentiqs as a didactic anatomy & toxicology educational tool EXCELLENT.
Again, we at …are much appreciative for the opportunity to be exposed to your Augmentiqs telepathology tool through our long lasting successful partnership with Dr. Nyska.
Augmentiqs is …. offering ways to easily import pathology reviewed “cross-referenced” summaries is a clear “key” tool advantage; especially telepathology for GLP studies reports & regulatory document submissions.
Director, Biologics Nonclinical Safety Project Leader
Augmentiqs is the ideal solution for telepathology for GLP studies, saving time and reducing costs.
Link to Pubmed article on the use of Augmentiqs telepathology for GLP studies.